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    Peddinghaus HSFDB/C

    Profitable Plate Production starts with the Peddinghaus HSFDB High Speed plasma/Drill.

    The HSFDB is an evolution in design, adapting the continuous throughput of Beamlines and bandsaws for the Plate production. The Peddinghaus High Speed Plate Processor drives plate through the machine offloading plates to the side and front of the machine while the Production is underway. This unique concept allows the unloading go the equipment during operation to maximise tonnage. The output of the HSFDB includes plasma, Oxo Fuel, Drill/Mill, Scribe, Stamp and Bevel cutting.

    Plates created on the Peddinghaus Plate Processor are easy and fast optimising quality and consumables to produce Base Plate, Cleats, Stiffeners and more. The HSFDB is not just limited to Structural. The ability to Mill, Tap and Countersink opens the market of the equipment into Agricultural, Transport, Mining, Oil & Gas as well as renewable energy and more.
    Volume and quality is the key to the Peddinghaus HSFDB line of equipment.

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